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Welcome clients and guests. I realize that when it comes to finding the right products or supplies for your new puppy or even your adult...

When Should My Puppy Get Its Shots?
Similar to having a baby, bringing a puppy home can be a nerve wracking time. Wanting to take care of our new little friend is a process...

Children and Dogs
First and foremost, all interactions between your children and dogs should be fully supervised by you or another adult to ensure that the...

What Foods Are Harmful to Dogs?
When it comes to feeding our dogs we only want what is best. Unfortunately, our spoiling of our furry friends can lead to some serious...

How Do I Crate Train My Dog?
Many people say "Mark, my dog hates being in the crate. What should I do?" or "Mark, I can't get my dog to go into it's kennel no matter...

Puppy Potty Training
Puppy Potty Training which is also referred to as housebreaking is usually one of the most frustrating times in raising a dog. With...

Top 5 Tips on Properly Feeding Your Dog
We all want what is best for our dog and their diet. Outside of exercise, a proper diet is the single largest contributor to the well...

The Holidays and Your Dog
It is September and soon the holidays will be upon us. The holiday season can be a scary and confusing time for some dogs. For many, the...
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